Reviews Delft method courses
Suitcase talen Dutch language students are highly educated expats and knowledge migrants
We can have even more exercises
We can have even more exercises – that’s how Proteeti reflects the opinion of several Grammar A2 participants. The Grammar Module A2 is optional.
5% of the Delft method students feel a need for more grammar, the other 95% do not.
One-third of the module covers sentence building and correct word order.
When asked for their motivation, all participants mentioned that they think the grammar of the Delft method is not enough. Moreover, they want to be able to make good sentences.
Ahmed adds: I think that learning grammar makes learning languages faster.
And Brigitte says: Grammar is important
Saikiran’s full evaluation
In February 2024, Saikiran’s full evaluation is:
1. Why do you take part in the grammar A2 Module?
I want to speak good sentences in Dutch.
I want to understand the position of verbs, adjectives, use of prepositions, and special sounds like O, m’n, met z’n tweeen, and that kind of things in the sentences.
2. What topics did you miss?
Nothing, I feel like the topics are covered.
3. What do you like about the A2 grammar module?
The exercises and the explanation of the special things.
4. What could be improved in the A2 grammar module?
Nothing, it’s going well.
We can have even more exercises
Another February 2024 student, Proteeti, writes:
The explanation and the worksheets are fine. The class exercises are useful because we have extra exercises.
Margreet also gave more information about various subjects
We can have even more exercises ;).
In that same February module, Panos agrees with Proteeti. He writes:
I like the worksheets and the online exercises, but we
could have more practice in the Grammar A2 Module
I think the content was what I needed
In Nov 2024 Roberto is happy with the Grammar Module like it is:
I think the content was what I needed, especially the word order
Nothing else could be improved in the A2 grammar module.
Robert’s classmate Dung writes:
I think the grammar lesson is clear. The topics are basic but very important. I make better sentences now.
Also, The Grammar Module is a nice method. First, learn yourself, then practice together. The teacher explains it very well.
However, if possible, I want to practice more before class. We can have even more exercises.
The e-learning helps with my busy schedule

‘The e-learning helps with my busy schedule’ Shervin comments in March 2024.
After each module, Suitcase talen asks the students for feedback on specific parts of the Delft method. After Module 2 we focus on the The Delft method is fasterDelft method e-learning.
Shervin continues his feedback:
I have easy access to the materials online and
the pronunciation of each word is in nt2school.
E-learning is convenient
Later, in May 2024, Roberto writes: E-learning is convenient.
I like that I don’t need to spend time traveling to the class and as soon as the class has finished I am at home.
Additionally, I can travel and still attend some classes if it is a short trip.
Roberto’s classmate Philip agrees about the Delft method e-learning:
I like that it is very easy to find the time to go to lessons. There is no commuting. This makes it very easy to schedule.
I also like that there is an emphasis on preparation and self-study as it makes me think in a more structured manner about the language.
Ina, in October 2024, mentions another aspect:
I like the Delft method e-learning because it is step-by-step and
it helps me have a routine for each lesson
And Ina’s classmate Binh adds:
E-learning can be taken anytime easily. Freedom to learn anytime.
What do you like less about e-learning?
March 2024 student Shervin is critical about the translation tool. His comment:
Using the translation tool sometimes different meanings of a word are not used at their correct place which can be confusing. Luckily, Shervind adds:
Overall, I am positive about the e-learning.
Roberto says, in May 2024: I dislike nothing specifically. So far we haven’t had any connectivity issues, the sound and image always worked fine. Regarding the Delftse methode material, it is already planned to be used in that way, it works quite well.
Overall, I am Positive. In my current personal setting, it wouldn’t be possible to have classes if it weren’t using e-learning.
Roberto’s classmate Philip mentions:
I think it is sometimes easy to forget about the online lessons and I find myself preparing at the last minute.
I am very positive and I am finding the Delft method very helpful.
In the e-learning, Ina is struggling when she records her pronunciation
In the e-learning, Ina is struggling when she records her pronunciation:
When I record myself it sometimes records different things and it gets stuck sometimes. So it takes more time to finish my lesson.
Of course, Suitcase talen gave a piece of advice on how to overcome the recording problem – which is a pronunciation problem:
When the recorder gets stuck on your pronunciation in Nederlands voor anderstaligen materials, it is because you are mispronouncing some Dutch sounds.
Try again, but this time record one sentence at a time, and listen it back immediately.
When you find your first mistake, retry just that one sound, until the recorder and you are happy.
If you have time left, you try another pronunciation mistake. Record yourself again and again. If the recorder does not accept your pronunciation, ask the teacher in class!
Work slowly and systematically on your pronunciation. In the end not only the recorder will understand you, but the Dutch as well!
The E-learning helps with my busy schedule, but there is not much Grammar
Binh is Ina’s classmate. Binh’s Dutch pronunciation is flawless and the e-learning helps him with his busy schedule, but when he is asked what he likes less in The Delft method he mentions:
There is not a lot of Grammar in the e-learning. At this point, I think I need more grammar.
Comment Suitcase talen :
For students who need more grammar, Suitcase talen developed two optional Grammar Modules: one at level A2 and one at level B1.
In the grammar modules, the teacher’s explanation is simple and clear. Students prepare each grammar subject, with written exercises. In the online class, the teacher answers your questions. Moreover, we exercise the subject orally during class.
The A2 exam training is good
The A2 exam training is good. Comments on the A2 Integration Exam training for expats who want to naturalize
It is good because we exercise a lot
Expats who want to naturalize must clear the Civic Integration Exam at level A2. The B1 level only applies to people who are required to integrate. Suitcase talen‘s most popular exam training, is the A2 Integration Exam training.
After three Delft method modules, students take this short exam training. It covers speaking and writing and in 2023, it was five classes only. As requested by some students, Suitcase talen recently upgraded it to six.
Integration Exam 2024 for expats informs you about the required exam levels.
Comments on the A2 Integration Exam training
At the question ‘What do you like in the ExamA2 training’ student Min-Yen answered:
I think the A2 exam training is good because we exercised a lot with speaking and writing. The feedback from the teacher is clear and precise, and the teacher gives good tips for the Integration Exam
Moreover, I think the exercises are very good, as we can talk quietly with each other and learn from each other.
And Tharun says:
I find the course informative and I have learned important things for my Integration Exam
The Exam Training A2 is a very well-compiled set of instructions and assignments
Finally, Proteeti summarizes:
The Examtraining A2 is a very well-compiled set of instructions and assignments for the Spreken, Schrijven, and KNM exams. You can practice exactly how you are expected to perform in the exam.
Additionally, I liked the feedback I received after every assignment, it helps a lot to use the sentences correctly for both writing and speaking especially the word order.
Of course, we asked the students for tips for improvement
As both Min Yen and Proteeti gave the tip that the training could be a bit longer, Suitcase talen added one lesson.
All participants are positive or very positive, as Proteeti formulates it:
I am very happy with the training.
Comment Suitcase talen: All participants of former trainings passed the exam.
A2 in four months
A2 in four months
Students of the first half year of 2023 comment on module 1 of the Delft method
Commenting on the January Module 1, Nehal says:
I can reach level A2 in four months or so
I like that the courses are intensive so I can reach level A2 in four months or so.
Also, I love the way to study alone first and then discuss in class as usually, it is hard for me to concentrate in long-time classes with a high load of new information.
Fellow student Stephanny adds: The class is a good way to practice speaking. I have no contact with other Dutch people so having this class truly helps. The learning pace and the material are good. The course seems quite practical.
We speak in the Dutch language from the beginning
Asia likes that we speak from the beginning in the Dutch language.
The texts are simple and we have a lot of new words every lesson.
When asked if there are things to dislike, Asia adds:
Maybe also we need a little bit more explanation about grammar. That’s all.
omment Suitcase talen: Indeed there is not much grammar explanation in the Delft method. As a consequence, Suitcase talen added two optional Grammar modules, one for level A2 and the other one for level B1. Students who feel a need for it can join
Aleksandra’s opinion is:
We talk a lot and we practice the usage of new words and phrases, I like that.
I also like that you correct us and give us hints, on how to say something. It’s good that we don’t use English so often.
However, I think the pace is fast, so that makes me a bit stressed. But I think thanks to that we will make good progress.
Sinem likes it that de Delftse methode is a kind of speed-up course:
We can progress very fast. Although it puts a lot of pressure on the students, I am positive
We talk a lot – A2 in four months – highly educated students comment on Delft method courses
On the February Suitcase talen Delft method course Module 1, Rodrigo comments:
Firstly, I like that we talk a lot in the Delft method and that we don’t spend a lot of time on syntax, or the structure of the language.
For me, the Delft method is positive because it favors learning by understanding rather than by remembering the syntax first.
Secondly, Rodrigo likes the interaction during the lesson and the fact that the group is quite diverse.
On the other hand, Rodrigo has a tip to improve the tests. He wants the tests to be more context-based.
Reaction Suitcase talen: we took a good notion of that.
Later, in May 23, Aleksandra writes:
I love that we talk a lot and we practice the usage of new words and phrases.
You correct us and give us hints, on how to say something, that’s good. We don’t use English so often, that’s great.
As well, I think the pace is fast, so that makes me a bit stressed. On the other hand, thanks to that we will make good progress.
Overall I am positive about Suitcase tale conversation classes
Each has time to speak
Additionally, Aleksandra’s fellow student Bruna comments on Suitcase talen Delft method courses:
Each has the time to speak. there is no tension during the lesson & it is a way for me to feel pressured and study before the lesson.
So far had a positive experience with suitcase talen.
Commenting on that same May Module 1, Bruna’s husband Ziad starts by saying:
The timing of the courses is very good for me, as well as the break-out rooms/sessions.
I enjoy when you explain some of the grammar and
type on the screen and I like how we converse in Dutch (out of scope sometimes).
Finally, I’m very positive about Suitcase talen conversation classes so far.
The method pushes the students to learn fast – comments on Delft method courses
May classmate Dami likes how intense the Delft method is. It pushes the students to learn fast and be accountable. We can reach Dutch level A2 in four months.
However, Dami would like more conversation and more exercise.
June 23 students once again praise the Delft method conversation classes
In June, student Ana Beatriz thinks that the amount of new words in every class is a positive surprise in the Delft method, and she says:
I already feel that I can understand more what people are saying.
Moreover, I love that the teacher wants to listen to all students and she lets people speak without interruption.
The positive is that Delft method courses are focused on conversation
Harjeet’s opinion is:
The positive is that the method is focused on conversation and that is very helpful with the spoken part of the language.
For me, the spoken part is the most difficult one, so this gives me a feel of the language.
Additionally, Harjeet likes the interaction during the lesson and the fact that the group is quite diverse.
Although Harjeet sees nothing negative in the Delft method, he mentions that it would be good to cover some aspects of grammar as well.
Reaction Suitcase talen: For students who want more grammar, we added two optional grammar modules
Later, in June, student Hazem agrees:
The conversations during the class help to practice the language. There’s enough time to practice with other colleagues.
Just like some others, Hazem misses grammar lessons as explanations of what is in the book, for example, what is the structure of a sentence and how it should be built.
Comment Suitcase talen: 4 out of ten lessons in the Grammar A2 Module are about the structure of the sentence and how to build a sentence.
June student Irene also likes the breakout rooms where students can ask questions and speak in Dutch On the other hand, Irene would like more time to ask questions. Overall, she is positive.
The method is unorthodox – A2 in four months
Muhammad comments on Delft method courses :
The method is unorthodox, I must listen several times.
In the breakout rooms I can practice with others, and sometimes they are better than me.
Unfortunately, sometimes I don’t know what to say in the breakout rooms.
Overall I am positive.
Proteeti closes this summary of the first half year with these words:
The Delft method makes you self-reliant from the very first class and one gains confidence as the whole focus is on speaking.
The teacher speaks slowly, repeating questions and it’s great to hear from other course takers.
Last, we have a lot of time to practice.
Yes, I am positive about the Delft method.
I understand serious topics
I understand serious topics now. The topics are harder, but I think that’s fun. We discuss important topics such as the Golden Age, EU, and development aid, Esther says about Module 7.
Reading time 4 minutes
Delft method students about the B1 modules 7 and 8
I need more time to memorize
But, there is also a problem. I study a lot but can’t use the new words well. Understanding and using them is entirely different. I always find it difficult if I have to answer the question of the lesson quickly.
Esther continues: Before I started Module 7, I wanted to speak more correctly and fluently. I usually understand the question, but I can’t answer with a correct sentence. The teacher helps me to improve my sentence. I think that’s important. I need more practice speaking at level B1.
In Module 7 you learn many more expressions than in B1 modules 5 and 6. I understand serious topics
Aysegül, October 2022
I wanted to speak Dutch (NT2) more correctly and learn more words. That happened: I learned a lot of new words and started to form sentences with good grammar.
I feel more courage now. In addition, I now have less stress about my improvement and I am patient. I have to study a lot, but again: I have a lot of trouble remembering.
I am very happy with you, Margreet Kwakernaak, you are a really good teacher
Özlem, October 2022
I like the Delft Method. I learned a lot of words in a short time,
but unfortunately, I couldn’t learn and remember them all.
I find the lesson a bit short and quick because I would like to have more time to talk.
But, I am very happy with you, Margreet Kwakernaak, you are a really good teacher. Unfortunately, I’m going to stop with the Delft method because I’m not good at remembering.
Thanks for everything!
I am glad that I already understand most of what my Dutch colleagues are saying
Franzi, October 2022
Now, after Module 7, I am happy that I already understand most of what my Dutch colleagues say.
But, I’m not happy that we don’t learn to write at all.
Suitcase languages: It is true that in the B1 modules, we do not do writing exercises as they are done in traditional methods. Students do write practice sentences in the grammar modules, but not in the Delft method.
Suitcase talen students do not write free texts that have to be checked by a teacher. That is not possible in a course that is 33% cheaper than a traditional course. If students want that, all modules should be longer and more expensive.
Students of the Delft method learn to spell very well because they have to type 50 words every week in the e-learning.
Many Suitcase language students already take the Civic Integration Exam after 15 weeks.
It is also a writing exam. During the exam training, they write 15 test exams, which are marked by the teacher. So far, ALL students who have done this training have passed at once.
The B1 exam also includes a writing exam – much more difficult. For the B1 exam, the students do an exam training of 5 weeks, in which writing is central.
I can recommend the Delft method if you have discipline. I understand serious topics
Basak, January 2023
If the texts were interesting and updated, I was happy with the topics of Modules 7 and 8. I also understand serious topics now.
But, if the topics weren’t interesting and a bit old, I wasn’t happy.
The Delftse methode does, however, entail some discipline. I can recommend the method if you have that discipline
I was happy that I studied B1 with Suitcase talen because I thought it was a professional and good course
Sheer, January 2023
I was happy that I studied B1 with Suitcase talen, because I thought it was a professional and good course.
At times I was not happy because it was very difficult to learn all the texts, but I managed! 🙂.
Finally, it was a great experience to study languages at Suitcase.
I was very happy when I had an appointment with my eye specialist
Norma, January 2023
I was very happy with my B1 study at Suitcase talen when I had an appointment with my eye specialist. Before that, we usually spoke in English, but last time we only spoke Dutch for the first ten minutes!
After the B1 modules I am satisfied with my improvement in speaking and understanding Dutch and I now also understand serious subjects.
I would recommend the course to others who have the time and focus to succeed in an intensive course.
I like online classes and I see no need for offline

‘I like online classes, and see no need for offline’ says Marina. In January 2022 she started her online studies in Almere. After a summer break, she continued the Duch conversation classes from Eindhoven- up to level B1
Module 2 students about online classes and the learning materials
Michal, May 2022
I think studying with e-learning en online conversation classes is a good method to learn the Dutch language, NT2. I must talk a lot in class.
Sometimes I just forget, at the end of class, to ask questions to the teacher.
Yuri, June 2022
The self-study with e-learning is working well. I found the schedule that I can follow after work.
Now, after Module 2, I noticed that I can understand much more when I read or listen to something.
What I like less about this e-learning is that there is a lack of grammar and sentence-making exercises
‘What I like less about this e-learning is that there is a lack of grammar and sentence-making exercises’, Anton says, in August 2022.
For the rest, I think that self-study with e-learning is okay for The Delft method .
(Suitcase talen: More students are complaining about that, and because of that Suitcase talen added two optional grammar modules. In the A2 and B1 grammar modules, students prepare their class by writing grammar exercises in Suitcase talen worksheets, and in class, we do sentence-making exercises.
Tetyana, August 2022
Studying with e-learning and having conversation classes with Zoom, is a very comfortable way of studying because you can choose your own time to study and practice it during the lesson.
And also I think that our group is very lucky with the teacher – Margreet always gives so much attention to everyone and cares about every detail
And also I think that our group is very lucky with the teacher – Margreet always gives so much attention to everyone and cares about every detail – for example, she advised us on how we to join the lesson better (technically)
She even worried about if I feel comfortable talking with a student of another nationality (because of the war) = so sweet ❤️
Konstantin, August 2022
I think that in small groups (4 students) it is good. I am not sure how well I would understand the lessons if there were more students per group.
Unfortunately, The time is quite tight on the zoom lessons.
All in all, I think that I am quite lucky with the group, everyone seems to be motivated to learn. I think everything is good, at least for now.
Artem, October 2022
Self-study with e-learning is very helpful. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to join all the conversational classes, but at least I could follow the course and study texts by myself which is very nice.
However, grammar is a bit out of scope in this method.
Besides, lessons on Monday and Wednesday are quite close to each other, so not much time left to prepare the second text, and the beginning of each week is quite intense especially if you combine the course with work.
Because of my business trip, I’ll be joining from the airport today
One additional question – because of my business trip I’ll be joining from the airport today and it’s quite loud here. Can I join and at least listen to the class? Not sure if I’ll be able to speak properly and if everyone can hear me.
Suitcase talen: it pretty often happens that students join the class from the airport. In case the airport is Schiphol: there are two cabins there for this purpose. As only a few people know that they exist, they generally are available- and comfortable!
In other airports a headphone and distance from other passengers are indispensable.
Xena, October 2022
I like to study with e-learning and online conversation classes, it’s efficient and suits my busy schedule. It works for me.
But, when you ask me what I miss in de Delftse methode: in the e-learning might be a bit more explanation on the grammar.
E-learning is quite good, it allows you to hear, learn and repeat words and sentences
First: E-learning is quite good, it allows you to hear, learn and repeat words and sentences. Self-study can be tricky, and I spend quite a lot of time, says Denis, in November 2022.
On the other hand, I have some problems with the pronunciation step which doesn’t always understand names and numbers. Moreover, I must learn the texts (almost) by heart.
Second: I would like a bit of grammar for compound verbs like ‘afwassen’, ‘opnemen’, ‘oversteken’ etc. Suitcase talen: when asked for, the teacher explains on the whiteboard at the end of the conversation class.
Unfortunately, I decided to quit due to a lack of time. I would like to continue self-study with e-learning but at a slower pace. I will be missing the conversation group
We learn many new words in B1

We learn many new words in B1 and talk about difficult texts. But everything is going well and I study for at least one hour per lesson. The Delft method is very good for learning to talk quickly. This also works well with less grammar than in a traditional method – Asfia says. Asfia started with Dutch in August, was at level A2 in January, and did her first module B1 in February.
Sahar:The Delft method is new to me and I find the Delft method easy and clear. Preparing for class is going well. Moreover, I can quickly learn many words. I sometimes use a few words from the B1 modules, because I can’t use them everywhere. On the contrary, some other words I use a lot because I have a lot of meetings with clients. Finally, I use other new words very often, because I have to communicate with new people every day.
We learn many new words in B1, so I need to read longer.
Zafer: We learn a lot of new words in B1, so I have to read longer. Besides, the lessons also go a bit fast so that I forget most of the words within a week. Because there is Corona, I can’t talk to others. I think I need to learn simple words better first so that I can pass the A2 speaking and writing exam. How to remember words; the seven steps
As to study time: I try to study for one or two hours per lesson. For the lesson on Tuesday, this is no problem. But for Thursday, one day is usually not enough. (Suitcase talen: at the beginning of each module, students are given a schedule with homework for all ten lessons. Many students do part of the homework on weekends.)
Still, I think the Delft method is better than other methods. We learn new words but also a lot about the Netherlands. This helps for the civic integration exam and also to talk to other people. I don’t think grammar is a big problem for talking, but for the exam, I have to study extra
When I read the text about Amsterdam, I immediately wanted to visit all the places in the text
Franzi: When I read the text about Amsterdam, I immediately wanted to visit all the places in the text. I find the topics of B1 interesting. Also, I find the words a bit more difficult than in the previous modules. I need to spend more time learning. I now study for about two hours per lesson.
Beena: I study for 2 to three hours per lesson, but everything is going well in Module 5. The Delft method is new to me and I think that a lot of talking is important for language development. Moreover, I often use the words from Module 6, because I read an article every day via the NOS app. I also talk in my Dutch chat group. It is because I find all texts of the Delft method interesting.
In B1 we learn a lot of new words and the texts are longer
Aysegül: Now in B1 we learn a lot of new words and the texts are longer. (Suitcase talen: In both the A2 and B1 modules you learn 50 new words per lesson. The words of B1 are more difficult butjust as much as in A2: 100 per week. You learn the words in handy sentences that you can speak with) I have to spend long hours studying and it makes it less fun. I now study at least 4 hours per lesson.
However, this is my fifth module Delft method and I like this method very much. I learn quickly and immediately started talking. But it is very intensive. I have to learn new words and expressions without enough practice. I’m afraid to forget what I’ve learned. I have to repeat what I have learned, but also study for a new chapter.
Lizzy: I sometimes use the words from the B1 Module 6, because I already know some words. But it’s another thing with the new words. Usually, I have to think about the sentences, such as the structure or the grammar. After that, I can use the new words, but I feel I have to speak quickly so I choose what is easiest for me. Nevertheless, I must force myself to use the new words, otherwise, I will not improve.
The diversity of topics is the best

The diversity of topics is the best of Module 3. Population, religion, and marriage in the Netherlands, are more than daily conversations. Those helped me to know the Netherlands more Now I can also introduce my new country to other people in a deeper way.
On the other hand, self-discipline is an important thing in the Delft Method. I need to keep listening, studying, and practicing regularly. The words and concepts of Module 3 are more difficult. – so says Esther from Taiwan.
Students reviewing the Delft method Module 3, winter 2021-2022: the diversity of topics is the best
Sugandh: All of us in Module 3 are now more confident. I have seen genuine improvement when it comes to using Dutch. The difficult part is that the vocabulary is growing so it becomes difficult to remember all the words
Shamirah: For me, the most positive thing about Module 3 is the atmosphere in class. We have a nice group and we can learn a lot from each other.
The negative thing is that sometimes it goes a little bit too quickly for me, the speaking part. Also, I have stayed 3 months in Holland in total.
Fortunately, I can speak Dutch with my boyfriend, he is Dutch. And with his parents and brother. I feel comfortable and they help me when I make mistakes.
The diversity of topics is the best. With our growing vocabulary, we discuss more advanced topics
Zafer: The diversity of topics is the best of de Delftse methode. With our growing vocabulary, we discuss more advanced topics in Module 3.
I also feel more confident speaking Dutch in public.
However, Module 3 requires more time for me to learn. Due to personal circumstances, it’s been a bit challenging since I also took the grammar course.
Franzi: I liked to do the presentation. It showed me what I already learned so far.
However, it is difficult to always find time to prepare for the classes and to be always engaged, I look forward to the winter break so I have some time just to repeat the vocabularies we learned so far.
Assiata: In this module, Module 3, I am more comfortable in speaking Dutch, because I know more words.
Unfortunately, up to now, I did not do the Grammar Module so I make a lot of mistakes in my sentences.
The Delft method is fast

The Delft method is fast and I could learn a lot of real-life conversations pretty quickly.However, the method does not teach much grammar (Suitcase talen: That’s why we have added two optional grammar modules). It leaves the students to make their own conclusions. Mostly my conclusions are good, but there are always some exceptions. That’s what I like less in the Delft method.
Module 1 students tell about their first experiences with the Delft method, October and November 2021
Marina: In the first place e-learning is really helpful, especially audio listening and exercises. Secondly, the method gives the right instructions and useful phrases. They are neither too basic nor too hard. Thirdly, it has excellent all-rounded discussion over one topic. has a balanced amount of new words and no homework after class.
Milena: The Delft method has many dialogues. In them, people can hear and learn how Dutch people really talk. It gives students the opportunity to repeat several times phrases. Besides, they can listen to their own pronunciations. In the conversation classes, I do like that we are all from different nations, and we give our best to speak in the lesson. We all have a moment to talk.
Anuj: I like that the focus is on speaking and pronunciation. That way, I feel I have learned something new after every class. Moreover, I like the break-out rooms in the conversation class. In the break-out rooms, we get 1:1 time. Later, we tell the class what the other person said.
Uma: With the Delft method we are ready to start with the conversations. Besides, it is an easier way to learn Dutch than traditional methods. Overall, I feel the Delft method is positive as it helps us to learn the language quickly. In the Suitcase talen conversation classes, equal opportunity has been given to each candidate.
The Suitcase talen conversation classes are engageable, fast-paced and the pressure really forces me to prepare for lessons and to speak out loud.
Martin: The Delft method texts are clear and understandable. The repetitiveness of exercises makes me remember new phrases easily as well. As to the Suitcase talen conversation classes they are engageable and fast-paced. This pressure really forces me to prepare for lessons and to speak out loud.
Rosely: I don’t know any other language learning methods. That’s why it is not easy for me to tell what the positive surprise of the Delft method is. But I like it so far. Most of all I like that I can practice my Dutch and learn new things.
Pyali: This method is easier than the traditional method of learning. Helps to start speaking and understanding quickly. I really like that the Suitcase talen conversation classes are focused on speaking.
Octavian: I like the Delft method because it is a fast way to learn Dutch. In conversation class, the Suitcase talen teacher has patience with the students.
Many exam tips
Many exam tips, says Esther about the exam training Civic Integration Exam. The material the teacher provides is good : I can easily catch the point. I believe the tips are very useful for the exams, especially for Schrijven, Lezen en Spreken.
Secondly, the practice of homework is good. Especially the homework from the teacher helps a lot. She helps me check my answers and gives me specific feedback. I can know which part is weaker and try to improve them better.
Finally, the practice in class is good. Classmates can make sentences by our own. and we can listen to each other.
Candidates Civic Integration Exam comment the Exam training, June and August 2021
Zafer: Because of the exam training I have a lot of experience with the exams. Besides, I have a lot of confidence. It was a nice training.
Tan: Best was that the teacher helped me to correct my answers. As well, thanks to the tips, I know a lot more about the exams now,
There was no KNM training in it, but there is a lot of KNM in the texts of the Delft method. Moreover, I can do the rest of KNM myself.
I liked the exam tips most
Vy: I liked the tips most. There could be more listening tips. Suitcase talen: because of this feedback we added more listening tips to the exam training.
Moreover, I liked the grammar. As a result, I would have liked more common grammar points for level A2.
After the training, all Suitcase talen candidates passed the Civic Integration exam
Sahana: The teacher stimulated us to use the Ad Appel materials, they are very good. In Suitcase talen exam training we got exam tips, exercised in class and our homework was corrected.
I don’t need help for KNM, I can do that myself.
Sugandh: I especially liked the grammar. I would have liked a bit more homework. Suitcase talen: We will add more homework to the new exam training for the Civic Integration Exam at level B1
I know new words and I can express myself
‘I know new words and I can express myself in Dutch’, according to Sahana. ‘But also, the more we go to the end, the more difficult it is. When I speak Dutch outside class, the new words don’t always come up in time’.
However, in normal life, I have very little chance to write in Dutch.
Read more in How to remember words, the seven steps
Module 4 students about new words, May 2021
Anna: We learn many new words. At Suitcase talen. I like the nice and easy atmosphere where you are not scared to talk. However, I feel a lack of structure knowledge. It causes I don’t know how to build a sentence on my own and how to use verbs.
Suitcase talen: to solve this problem, we offer two Grammar Modules , focused on verbs and the structure of the sentence.
Yet, I speak Dutch with my children when I walk with my kid and those who do not speak English. Moreover, I sometimes text in Dutch with my family-in-law.
I know new words now
Thilini: I know new words now. When I started I did not know so many words, but now I can write, read and speak a little Dutch. I love Margreet Kwakernaak’s teaching.
With the small number of students, we have good attention for each other. I don’t have many chances to talk Dutch outside class, but I can understand now what others say. Once in a while, I write something, but I don’t have the opportunity very often.
Julia: I learn more and more new words. When I know new words, I understand all Dutch sentences when listening.
Moreover, I write my letters always in Dutch, though I need a translator to check my writing.
I speak Dutch much better than in the first months
Amar: I speak Dutch much better than in the first months. As well, in the Delft method, Module 4 classes are very interesting, though some texts have very difficult words.
I write some Dutch sentences every day at work.
Read more in Word learning, make it part of your daily life
Conversation classes are engaging
‘Conversation classes are engaging. I like the entire class engagement’, Ramune says. And she adds: ‘Especially, I like to listen most and ask questions in the ‘one on one’ practice room (the breakout room).
As we talk a lot in Suitcase talen’s Delft method courses, I do try to talk more outside Dutch class. Questions come easier than answers. As well, I feel more empowered to say words or attempt speaking out loud. When I make a mistake, it does not feel so embarrassing. Moreover, I also talk to my neighbors and two of my friends. However some days it feels that I make no sense.
Delft method Module 2 students February speak out about their conversation classes
Shamira: Knowing the likes and dislikes and getting to know each other better with each new topic. That’s what I like most in the conversation classes of Module 2. However, with Corona, I find it difficult to discuss something related to a subject as we don’t do it in real-time.
In addition, outside class, I do every day try to speak and learn It feels good! In particular, I am happy when I can converse in Dutch with others, like my family-in-law and friends.
The scenarios that are given to converse are interesting and realistic
Guru: The scenarios that are given in conversation classes with the Delft method are engaging. They are interesting and realistic.
Consequently, I have started to talk as much Dutch as possible while shopping. Besides, I feel great when I can follow the other person speaking and when I can talk a bit of Dutch as well.
Catalin: I can interact with other people in the conversation class. Moreover, I can see my knowledge level compared with other’s levels.
However, I still don’t talk outside. I talk only with a Dutch family friend who visits us and checks if I learned the lessons. In fact, she is like a private teacher, but she just listens and corrects me, based on Suitcase talen’s courses.
In the conversation classes’ breakout rooms we talk about the things that happen in our own country.
Sahana: Firstly, in the break out rooms we talk with our breakout room partner. There we talk about the things that happen in our own country. That makes conversation classes engaging because it makes them more interesting.
Secondly, it feels good that the Dutchmen I spoke Dutch with, understood what I said. I have talked with the receptionist in the hospital a couple of times. As well, I spoke to a plumber and to the groceries stafll. It feels nice when I can connect them in their local language.
The topics are challenging
Tan: The topics of conversation are challenging in Delft method module 3 . They help me to understand the Netherlands. On the other hand, there are many new words and no repetition of words and topics of other Lessons. So it is difficult to remember all this.
Concerning my Dutch outside class, I try to write emails in Dutch at work and I talk a bit with my collegues. Besides, I talk to my neigbours. Further, I want to learn more Dutch. Not only for Civic Integration , but also for using it. I have still got more than two years for Civic Integration Exam.
Sahana: The topics in Module 3 are interesting and it is more about the Netherlands country. We get to know the culture. Besides, there are a lot of words starting from ‘v’. They are confusing and a bit difficult to remember
The topics are more challenging
Vy: The group remains small and I have more time to talk. Now that I am in Delft method Module 3, I feel more confident talking.
On the other hand there are more new words te remember and the topics are also a bit more difficult.
As to speaking Dutch outside class, I feel more confident and natural, but I don’t speak Dutch outside class super a lot yet. After this module I want to do Module 4, as I am planning to do the exam in the end of 2121. Therefore after Module 4 I would like to do the Civic Integration Exam Module. Wich means, I want to learn more for the exam, like the writing and grammar.
Module 3 February 21 consisted of two persons only : I like the size of the class
Alejandro: First, I like the size of the class and this gives more opportunity to speak and practice. Horary is good as well! On the other hand, it is very heavy or difficult to try to learn some thirty new words a day! At the same time it is good as this expands fast your vocabulary,
Second, I would lilke to have more exposure to these new words. Examples of sentences or cases so that we hear and use more frequently these new words in class.
Fortunately I feel that I am improvning my Dutch a lot. Already I can make a conversation. Listen and understanding is even better. Of course still very basic, but on my way. Unfortunately I feel that my written Dutch is much worse than my spoken.
Alejandro’s classmate Thilini:
Witt the reduced class size, it was like getting a lot of personal attention and it was a great help. Maybe it had been even more helpful when I had been able to attend the grammar class parellel to this class. But still it was not a big problem.
I seldomly write, but I do read all the official Dutch letters that we receive now without going for the Google Translate. Besides, I feel more confident speaking with neighbours and delevery persons. Moreover, I can understand my daughter and her friends talking much better now.
Much Dutch grammar in B2
Sambhav : Much Dutch grammar in B2, as well as new vocabulary. I think that the B2 class is very well structured. In each class we can exercise with speaking, reading, writing and grammar. That’s what I like most.
However, I don’t like to have class on Saturday morning. And I like to have online class, but I prefer class on location. I am more motivated to study when we have class on location.
Besides, I think that we could have more intermediate tests in B2. A test may be usefull for all of us to review what we did. In four months we have two verb tests only and then the B2 tests at the end.
In conclusion, I use my Dutch in general situations, like in the supermarket or some other shop. I don’t use it at work yet. I don’t need Dutch for my job but I think that when my Dutch becomes better, I ‘ll have a better chance for the next job in the Netherlands.
B2 September-December 2021 likes much Dutch grammar in class
Fiorella: In the B2 course I learn the details of Dutch grammar which help me to improve my writing and speaking skills. In class, I like the active interaction during speaking exercises with my fellow students and with my teacher.
I am really happy with the online class because that makes it easier to follow class on Saturday morning – we have no travel time. Howevver I think 9:15 is early on Saturday morning and I don’t like it, but I have got used to it already.
In addition, I would like continuing learning the small Dutch grammar details that we are learning now. Maybe some extra exercises with special rules or frequent Dutch expressions and vocabulary, so that I can sound more natural.
To conclude, I am very happy to use my Dutch skills talking to my partner and my collegues. At work I send Dutch emails as well. Moreover, I am pretty sure that I have more chance promotion in my actual job or a better chance when I want to apply for another job. A B2 certificate is a big advantage on your resume!
I would not have spoken Dutch within a year without my teacher Margreet Kwakernaak
Shree: When somebody tells me that I speak well for somebody who has been studying less than a year than I tell that this would not have been the case without my teacher Margreet Kwakernaak.After all I got my job because I speak Dutch! I speak Dutch with my partner and with my clients at work.
In this B2 course I mainly learn grammar and new vocabalary. I like to do more speaking exercises with my fellow students, because I think it helps a lot to improve my Dutch. However, I think the class should be on location, I miss that interaction in the classroom.
Unfortunately I don’t like reading and having to tell what I read in my own words. That’s because it’s really difficult for me , as I started studying Dutch less than a year ago.
Everything is very well organized
Eniko: I this Dutch B2 class I learn to give a presentation, to compare, to be able to argue someting, to retell something , to describe and to exchange experiences. By better communication I have better contacts with Dutchmen now, they are more open when you speak the language. Besides, I understand more of culture and habits.
I am very happy with the online classes. In the beginning, I was a bit afraid, because I wondered how I would handle it, but it is going very well. The communication, the asking of questions, the materials, everything is very well organized.
I like that I can exercise a lot of grammar
Zsuzsanna : Firstly I like that I can exercise a lot of grammar and that I get help with the speaking assignments. However, I dont’ like that there are sometimes some changes in the schedule. That my be confusing.
Secondly, I learn what to expect in the Staatsexamen NT2 Programma II and what I have to train additionally. Fortunately, I don’t miss anything in class.
All in all, my target is not to get a promotion or a new job, but I consider getting an education in higher professional education. To be admitted, I need the NT2 diploma.
Positive surprise is the self learning
Tan: Positive surprise is the self learning that Delft method encourages. I learn a lot from the Module 1 Dutch Lessons.
The greatest difference between the Delft method and the traditional method of language learning, is the correction. Normally the student will be received assignment and then the teacher will correct it, but we don’t do it here. That’s a negative surprise.
For now I prefer Delft method, because it is flexible. I prefer self learning, but I want to practise also writing and grammar and I want more time for every lesson.
Students of Delft method Module 1 January 2021 compare Delft method to traditional language learning methods
Sahana: That I can understand and talk a few simple sentences with my neighbours and the staff during shopping after five classes, is a positive surprise.
On the other hand I need to invest more and more time in learning, as basics are not covered in Delft method. In traditional method, everything is taught from scratch: it is more of spoon feeding. In Delf method students need to learn by themselves the words and the sentences and interact in the class.
However with Delftse methode we can learn quickly if the method is correctly followed by students!
Positive surprise is the teacher
Sigita: Positive surprise : I like our teacher Margreet very much and the way she is working with us so patiently and effectively. For me she is the teacher number one, she is really professional. Thank you!
As to the method: you can also practice Dutch online yourself, the taped recordings are clear and understandable. In this method you need to work on your own first before you practice it in the conversation class,
However I would like to have a longer lesson so that I could communicate longer with my group members.
Guru: I have not underwent other language courses so I am not sure of the differences. I assume that in traditional method of learning Dutch we would have learned basics very well.
Nevertheless, Delftse methode is the fastest way to start speaking simple sentences.
The Delft method is straightforward and intensive
Shamira: The Delft method is pretty straightforward and intensive, also interactive with other students. I can learn to speak Dutch quickly within the time frame.
As a conclusion I would definitely encourage the Delft method as we are spending the time more speaking and practicing Dutch with each other than just writing and listening.
Melike: Firstly, it is really a surprise for me that I can understand the subjects without studying too much Dutch grammar.
This course is the course that I studied most and learned more. If I go to a classic course for the same time, I won’t be able to learn more than in this course.
If I can study everyday at least two hours, I will absolutely prefer the Delftse methode.
I feel confident

Amar: I feel confident enough to talk Dutch to anyone. After 10 classes Delft method we started Module 2 and I like the materials a lot. Each lesson has a big topic and there is plenty to talk about. The Suitcase talen conversation classes are perfect but sometimes the one to one conversations are a bit too short.
I started to talk Dutch and they understand me – Delft method Module 2, November 2020
Vy: I started to talk more Dutch to the parents of my boyfriend and even to their dogs! They understand me and we can talk more about different things, what makes me happy.
Now that we are in Module 2 the group is smaller and I have more time to practice speaking. In conversations more questions are asked outside of the book.
Moreover, Suitcase talenDelftse methode Conversation classes help me to open my mouth and talk. As well, I approve my reaction ability in Dutch.
On the other hand the level is more difficult and sometimes I forget new words. Besides, I miss how I can ask questions. I find that it is easier to answer questions but harder when I want to ask questions.
I feel not yet confident to speak Dutch outside class
Anna: I talk a bit of Dutch outside class: I try to speak Dutch with my husband.
I like the Delft Method, you can learn a lot in high speed. Book and online training are both very nice. They stimulate me to study systematiacally.
However, in Module 2 there is not enough time for all the details. I would like the class to be a bit longer.
Irina: I started the Delft Method recently, with Module 2. I do not yet talk Dutch outside class.
In the Delft Method I like the big variety of topics. In the Conversation classes I appreciate the opportunity to speak with others.
On the other hand I dont’ like it that the conversation class is online and I felt a lack of grammar. Therefore am happy that Suitcase talen added two Grammar Modules and I am going to do Grammar Module 1 now.
The e-learning pushes me to learn Dutch

Dian: The e-learning pushes me to learn Dutch in a shorter period of time than I could imagine. I need to be focussed to understand more of the topic, which is good for responsability.
As a result, it boosts my conficence to start speaking and learning grammar along the way.
E-learning in the Delft method Module 1, November 2020
Saumya: The e-learning of the Delft method pushes me because I can hear and hear the videos again and also practice the pronunciation. Normally, I can understand when I read but I have hesitation to speak.
The online conversation class in the Modules Delftse methode helps me to put more pressure on my memory to remember the words.
Thilini: The e-learning helps to practice the lessons guiding the student step by step. Secondly, we learn at home without attending on site classes.
In addition we can discuss pronunciation and grammar and practice speaking with the other students in the conversation classes.
E-learning and online live conversations in Dutch
Catalin: The lessons are pretty interesting and we can learn fast.
I like that we can talk live with somebody else in Dutch language, but I dislike that the time is too short. Further, I prefer to have a live conversation in Dutch with a teacher, not with a student.
Raluca: I learn fast to communicate with this e-learning, but I sometimes miss the teacher to assist us.
In the online conversation class I like that I can talk live in Dutch, but I want more time of the teacher to correct and for explanations.
Suitcase talen: The Grammar Modules Delftse methode offer more time for explanations.
In B1 you speak, but it is difficult

Daniele: In B1 you speak, but it is difficult. In B1 you learn verbs and sentences as well, but I would like more speaking practice.
I do use the new words I learn outside of class.
You speak in the Dutch B1 on location, Sep-Dec 020
Shree: Now that I am in the B1 Course, I speak Dutch for two hours a day with my family.
The main difference with the A2 course is more speaking and grammar. Everything is fine for me, but it is difficult to use.
Sambhav: I sometimes use Dutch when I talk to colleagues.
On the other hand, I think B1’s grammar is difficult. I like all things in B1, but I want more speaking practice.
Alondra: I can talk more to the Dutch now. This B1 lesson helps me to gain confidence. I also notice that I can understand more.
I speak Dutch with my partner and my in-laws. As well, I watch more Dutch TV. We do have a lot of homework in B1, but it is necessary.
Carol: In this class you speak. I now use Dutch when shopping and with my neighbors and friends.
In the B1 course there is a lot to learn and there is no explanation in English anymore, but sometimes it is too fast.
Speaking in the B1 online course, Sep-Dec 020
Kajol: In B1 you speak and the speaking is more fun than in A2. I use Dutch when I go to buy something.
I also understand Dutch better now. This will help me with my Civic Integration Exam.
Fiorella: I use my Dutch skills when speaking to my partners or colleagues, even when I send some e-mail at work.
Moreover, I really like the way the B1 lesson goes online. We not only have time for speaking, but also for grammar, writing and reading. And so far, there is nothing I dislike about the class.
The structure is good to learn the language

Pritam: The structure of the Course is good and useful to learn the language, but the pace is too fast.
Structure in Course A1A2 September-December 2020 on location
Elena: I love going to class, I like it. I can learn a lot of new verbs. Margreet Kwakernaak is a good teacher.
Inga: Margreet explains well and is a good teacher, interesting lesson.
Justina: I think Suitcase talen is a very good place to learn the Dutch language. The structure of the course is good.
Mamta: Suitcase talen has a good atmosphere and a spacious classroom. I can do the Civic Integration Exam inmediately afther this course of 4 months.
The class is professional

Rob: The class is professional. I am really positive about the class and how it is instructed by Margreet Kwakernaak. It has been very professional and delivered a good experience for me.
However, I am very disappointed in myself that I have not spent sufficient time studying between classes. As a result I feel embarrassed by my performance in the exam.
Professional class: Delftse methode Module 1, October 2020
Eva: I enjoy the conversations as it helps me to overcome my discomfort of speaking. I also like that our teacher Margreet pops into the breakout room to check the different conversations that we are having.
However, the time-frame does not allow enough time to be understanding the grammar in a structured way. Secondly, I would like to learn a bit more about the grammar and rules in a structured way. As well, it would be nice to have more exercises to practice with.
Suitcase talen: 30 years of Delftse methode have proven that it is possible to learn a language with an absolute minimum of grammar. Yet some students long for more grammar. Therefore Suitcase talen offers two optional Grammar Modules Delftse methode in which the teacher explains more grammar.
You can learn at any time and at any place online
Maria: I like that you can learn at any time and anywhere online. I like that the teacher speaks slowly and clear for understanding. The class is professional. The time for dialogues between classmates is not so long, which is also good for memorizing.
In general, Delftse methode classes help me to start speaking and to stop being afraid of making mistakes.
E-learning is easier to flex around my schedule

Adari: E-learning is easier to flex around my schedule. It is useful for me as I have a very busy schedule, so it was difficult to find a course that had the right timing/balance.
In the online conversation classes I find it useful to hear other persons speak. The interpretation plus correction from the teacher help me to learn quicker.
Similarly I like that the aim is to speak the total lesson time in Dutch. This also helps with the speed of learning and interpretation.
Overall I am very positive about this course.
Saving time with Delft method Module 1, september 2020
Vy: The e-learning saves a lot of time to travel to school for the course.
In addition, the Delft Method makes me intensively study. I can already apply what I learn in the text book to my daily conversation.
In conclusion: my feelings about the Delftse methode with Suitcase talen are positive. I do learn a lot. I will continue with other modules.
E-learning is easier to fit in my schedule with my child
Pritha: With the e-learning of the Delftse methode we can learn in our own comfort zone. I can fit the learning in my schedule with my child. Beside there is no travelling to anywhere, so that time is getting saved.
Besides, in the online classes with the group I like the way we discuss the lessons in our own way. It helps me to relate the lesson I read for that particular class.
Last, the group lessons of Suitcase talen are very compact and composed. My teacher is strict yet very helpful and cooperates with us by speaking slowly and clearly.
The Delft method has hardly any rules
Arseniy (not in the picture): The Delftse methode seemed to me quite promising. I feel that the idea of listening texts and using only those words that appeared in the text allows me to learn gradually the new words and to start use them inmediately.
However, I don’t like the following regarding the Delftse methode:
Firstly, It does not start from ABC. There is neither reading rules nor pronunciation trainings in the course.
Suitcase talen: In the e-learning materials all texts and new words are presented with the pronunciation. But yes, it is true that in the Delftse methode are no written rules for reading or pronunciation.
Secondly, the grammar is presented in a confusing way. If I have a grammar question regarding something from the test, often I cannot find the answer in the book.
Suitcase talen: Indeed there are only a few explicit grammar rules in the Delftse methode. However, questions can be asked in the end of the group class with the teacher. Most importantly we added two Grammar Modules Delftse methode in which a teacher explains grammar and answers questions.
A better chance of promotion now

Himanshu: I have a better chance of promotion now. I use Dutch at work and with collegues and I think my Dutch gets better and better .
As to online class: I like the class on location, but I prefer this online class now that Corona gets worse.
Promotion with B2 Saturday morning , Fall 2020 (half on location, after lockdown online)
Lyuda: At work I try to call in Dutch and I have a promotion: I am going to work in HR, but, unfortunately – with the same salary.
I think that class on location is more productive than online. I was in a online class during the first lockdown. However, with this second lockdown there is no better option than going online again.
Lucy: With my Dutch I hope to find a job as a teacher next year. I talk Dutch with my mother in law , her English is not that well.
Suitcase talen has to abide Covid-19 rules and the school found a good solution by teaching online. I am happy that we could continue classes instead of stop.
I hope I can find a better job later
Judita: I read Dutch books, talk to people in shops and with local residents. Moreover, I hope I can find a better job later, I will have a better chance of promotion now.
I think class on location is better than online.
Dravvy: I do not need Dutch for my job but I like to talk Dutch. As a result I can understand when people talk and when I receive a letter, I can understand now. I speak Dutch in the supermarket, with my neighbours and with my Indian wife. She is studying Dutch in the B1 course of Suitcase talen.
I liked the classes on location, but I prefer the actual online classes after the new Covid-19 rules.
Amir: My job is not based on Dutch language. At the moment my level of Dutch is not yet good enough for a job. Generally I talk Dutch with my collegues but I don’t dare to speak Dutch with the clients.
However I don’t like online class. In the break out rooms the teacher does not correct as much as in the classroom.
The teacher is good and that’s why Suitcase talen is good

Jossy: The teacher is good and that’s why Suitcase talen is good. I hope that I can learn a lot in three months. I prefer to continue with the online classes as this would save me the time for travelling and I find the online classes equally good.
So I do not see any big advantages of switching to physical classes.
Andrey: Suitcase talen is a nice studying organisation with a good and fast program for highly skilled immigrants .I prefer to continue online because I find the classes well enough organized to continue like this.
Conmuting to class would cost extra time, and I see not much sense in that as we are still not allowed to be there with the full group.
Good online and offline teacher for A1+A2 class Tuesday/Thursday Summer 2020
Kajol: I think Suitcase talen is great. However, I prefer class in school, so offline.
Andrey: Suitcase talen is a nice studying organisation with a good and fast program for highly skilled immigrants.
As a conclusion I prefer to continue online because I find it well enough organized to continue like this, Conmuting to class would cost extra time, and I see not much sense in that as we are still not allowed to be there with the full group.
Because the teacher explains well, I think Suitcase talen is a good school
Sneha: Because the teacher explains well, I think Suitcase talen is a good school. Actually I would prefer to come in person but I am also comfortable with online class.
Sunil: Suitcase talen is very good — the teacher teaches really well. As I am in lockdown in India I prefer online classes.
Enrique: Firstly, I think Suitcase talen is very professional and organized. Secondly, I prefer online because it is convenient for me since I work fulltime from home.
Angie: Though Dutch is een hard language, I like the lessons. I think Suitcase talen is good. Besides, I prefer online because I am still working from home.
Alexander: Suitcase talen is a good school. I also support the proposal to continue the classes online.
Online or on location, both options to learn Dutch are good for me

Ali: Online or on location: both options to learn Dutch are good for me. However, if I have to choose one of them, I prefer classes on location.
In my view Suitcase talen is a very good language institute to learn Dutch. The materials of Boom NT2 webshop are quite practical and we will use them in our day to day life while living in the Netherlands.
In the summer of 2020 this A1+A2 class could choose either online Dutch class, or class on location
Ursula: As to Dutch class online or on location, I am almost 50-50. It was a bit hard to get used to online classes. For instance I felt that we were falling behind in schedule, but as the classes continued it became easier and better. I think we are now precisely on schedule. Meanwhile, I do think our levels (students) are very different and that makes it a bit hard.
Last but not least I really enjoy the way Margreet explains things, it is very clear and has a great flow. I also like how she corrects our homework in such a detailed way.
Forough: Suitcase talen is good, but I have a problem when my teacher speaks Dutch and English in one sentence. Then I don’t understand, so I cannot answer her questions. I have to exercise a lot. Thanks for everything.
To continue Dutch class online is what I want
Brigite: I want to continue classes online because it is convenient and easy to combine with work schedule. However, I like class on location as well.
Above all, I think Suitcase talen’s classes are accessible and well organized. I am happy with the speed of the course, but I realize it would be very difficult to follow if it was my first time in contact with Dutch language.
Trang: Studying online instead of classes on location is what I prefer, to see what’s going on with the virus crisis.
Suitcase talen gives me good impression in terms of Dutch knowledge and language skills.
I prefer to take the lesson on location
Fiorella: I prefer to take the lesson in person instead of online.
In addition I am very happy about the Dutch lessons I got by Suitcase talen and I am for sure planning to go further with this language school. Course is intensive so I can see results very fast, which was important for me.
Shree: I like to study with Suitcase talen but I can study better/easier in the classroom I think . That’s why I prefer to study Dutch on location in Almere.
More speaking online than on location

More speaking online
Parimal and Chanmeet: Online we did more speaking than on location. Moreover, it is very good for listening. On the other hand, we practised less writing. Those were the advantages when lockdown forced Suitcase talen to go online. However I experiencwed disadvantages also. For the online classes I needed more concentration than on location, and we missed the good atmosphere in the classroom and the socializing.
It was OK to do the exams at home, there was no difference with doing the exams in the classroom, except the speaking exam. We did that on Zoom and for me that was more difficult than in the classroom.
B1 class Tuesday/ Thursday Spring 2020. Started on location and, during lockdown, continued online.
Lyudmyla: I agree that online we did more speaking and less writing. Like most of our class, I missed personal contact . For me the advantage was that I did not need to travel nor ‘to dress’ for class.
Doing the tests at home, students can cheat. In case a student has some technical problem, there is no teacher who can help to solve that problem. However I greatly appreciate the possibilty to finish the course online when on March 16 lockdown started and I thank Suitcase talen for it!
To switch to online to finish our course was a good idea
Pavithra: The biggest advantage of going online was that we could continue class and that we could see each other. On the other hand we could not always hear everybody that well.
Online I learned more speaking, words and grammar than on location, but I learned less writing. I missed to meet everybody personally, but I was very happy that after class I did not need to drive home in the late evening.
As to the tests, I worried a bit about the timing and the internet connection, but everything went well. I was happy that Suitcase talen gave us the possibility to finish the course with Zoom classes.
Nadine: Going online gave good listening opportunities and you have no travel costs. I did not like to send my homework per mail nor did I like that we did our speaking exercises by phone. But I did not miss classroom atmosphere: exercising on Zoom in groups of two was interesting as well.
I liked to do the exams at home, there was no alternative.
Online classes are very comfortable
Sandra: It is very comfortable to join the classes from home and it is more effcicient as to time. Moreover, you can hear the pronunciation much better than in the classroom.
Online I learnt as much as on location, there was no difference for me and doing the tests from home was no problem. However I missed the informal conversations with my fellow students in the classroom.
Suitcase talen strictly followed Corona rules and Margreet was a very responsable person during Corona crisis.
Lucy: I agree with Sandra that Suitcase talen followed the rules and that Margreet found a good solution to continue classes. I missed my fellow students but on the other hand it was nice to see them at home. Besides, it was interesting and practical to do the tests from home.
Finally I agree with my fellow students that we learned more words, but did less writing. But I was very happy that we could both continue and stay home safely.
Continuing with Zoom was a good decision

Mauricio: Continuing with Zoom was a good decision. If Suitcase talen had not taken this decision, we could not have finished our Dutch course due to Corona. Zoom is a good solution when a person cannot come to class. However, sometimes I found it difficult to concentrate and when the internet connection was not of good quality, I could not hear well.
Online I learned more speaking, listening, reading and grammar, but I learned less words and less writing than in class on location.
I liked to stay at home, but I missed my collegues and Dutch teacher. It was interesting to do the final tests at home, as we prepared well and I felt less nervous than during the first series of tests.
B1 class Monday/Wednesday, started classes on location and after lockdown March 16th 2020 went online
Alice: All over I learned a lot, I love Suitcase talen !
Judita: I prefer class on location, but continuing with Zoom was a good solution.
Continuing with Zoom was a good decision and better than nothing at all! I was happy
Aza: Both classes on location and online were well organized. Continuing with Zoom was better than nothing at all! Margreet explained everything very well like she always did in normal class on location. Online I learned more listening and less writing.
I did not like that we had to do the exams at home but Suitcase talen did everything it could for the students during Corona crisis.
Amir: Is is very easy to work with Zoom, the video-conferencing system is good for all kind of meetings. However we needed more bandwith sometimes.
We worked on all skills, like in the classroom. Sometimes I think online learning is not the best, but this was the only option.
Thank you, Margreet for your explanation and patience!
The teacher Margreet is very good
Phung: The teacher Margreet is very good. Class is short but clear. We have lots of homework, sometimes difficult, but it helps to improve my language. Unfortunately, during the lockdown I was extremely busy and I could not prepare my classes well enough.
Shanshan Yang

Shanshan Yang, China, since 2015 in the Netherlands, studied Environmental Art Desigh in China and worked in an interior design company, paints at home in the Netherlands. Dutch course Beginners A2, spring 2020
Ik vind de Suitcase talen heel goed.
Sandra Chulliparambil

Sandra Chulliparambil, India, since June 2019 in the Netherlands. Studied dentistry, works as a dental hygienist , studies for her Dutch work permission as a dentist. Dutch course B1, spring 2020
Suitcase talen is een echt goede Nederlandse taalschool. Ik zou het zeker aanbevelen!
Joshua Amissah

Joshua Amissah, Ghana, worked there as a technician, since July 2019 in the Netherlands, where he works in food-industry. Dutch course Beginners A2, spring 2020
Suitcase talen is goed.
Lyuda Kartseva

Lyuda Kartseva, Russia, studied economics. Since 2015 in the Netherlands, works at a IT-hardware business enterprise. Dutch course B1, spring 2020
Suitcase talen heeft kleine groepen, intelligente studenten, regelmatig toetsen, is dichtbij mijn huis, termijn betalen is mogelijk, nuttige boeken.
Chanmeet Kaur

Chanmeet Kaur, India, since 2012 in the Netherlands. Works in IT at the Innovation Department of a wellknown Dutch bank. Dutch course B1, spring 2020
Ik vind Suitcase talen heel goed om te leren en nuttig. De docent zijn heel hielp (is heel hulpvaardig).
Nadine Diomande

Nadine Diomande, Ivory Coast, either in Ivory Coast or in the Netherlands since 2012, working in her own fashion and cosmetics related company. Dutch course B1, spring 2020
Ik vind dat Suitcase goed school is.
Mauricio Alvarez

Mauricio Alvarez, Guatemala, graphic designer, since 2015 in the Netherlands, where he works in a printing office. Dutch course B1, spring 2020
Ik vind dat het cursus perfect is want ik leer veel en ook van het huiswerk.
Alice Barrett

Alice Barrett, South Africa, since 2016 in the Netherlands. Alice was a teacher of English at a South-African University. Dutch course B1, spring 2020.
Ik heb al veel geleerd, ik houd van Suitcase talen!
Boban Magoc

Boban Magoc, Serbia, since the start of 2018 in the Netherlands. Internationally oriented, works at American company in Almere-Poort. Dutch course Beginners A2, fall 2019
Suitcase talen is prima.
Aza Nabee

Aza Nabee, Irak, since December 2018 in the Netherlands, technical designer at Dutch multi-building construction company. Dutch course Beginners A2, fall 2019
Ik vind alle dingen zo leuk en zo goed!
Priya Singh

Priya Singh, India, since February 2017 in the Netherlands. In her own country primary school teacher, works in catering industry in Amsterdam. Dutch course Beginners A2, fall 2019
Suitcase talen is leuk. Ik leer schrijven, spreken, luisteren Nederlands.
Ola Olaoye

Ola Olaoye, Nigeria, since 2018 in the Netherlands, works at Dutch department store in Almere. Dutch course Beginners A2, fall 2019
Suitcase talen geeft goed taalles en heeft goed methos voor studies and understand.
Vighesh Damodharan

Vighesh Damodharan, since 2014 in the Netherlands, works in IT in a fintech company. Dutch course Beginners A2, fall 2019
Suitcase talen is definitely good for educated professionals to learn Dutch.
Lucy Marques Hackfeld

Lucy Marques Hackfeld, Portugal, since 2019 in the Netherlands, worked as a language trainer, reservations agent in in the Netherlands . Dutch course Beginners A2, fall 2019
It is nice to have a language school in Almere. I’m happy with the lessons so far and my progress is noticable.
Tri Phung

Tri Phung, Vietnam, since 2015 in the Netherlands, works in IT in IT. Dutch course Beginners A2, fall 2019
Ik vind de docent heel goed, kort maar duidelijk. Heel veel huiswerk. Best thing here is small groups. Many chances to practice language and learn from each other.
Alex Vakhmenin

Alex Vakhmenin, Ukraine, since 2015 in the Netherlands, works in IT in a health start-up in the Netherlands. Dutch course Beginners A2, fall 2019
It would be better to have a longer break between lessons (EG Tue-Fri or Mon-Thu.
Hannah Zandbergen

Hannah Zandbergen, United Kingdom, since the summer of 2019 in the Netherlands, worked in her own country as a chartered property surveyor, is a fulltime mother at the moment. Dutch course Beginners A2, fall 2019
Margreet is een heel goed docent en de cursus is goed.
Nieves Jorge

Nieves Jorge, Spain, since 2018 in the Netherlands, studied IT, software engineer in the Netherlands. Dutch course B1, fall 2019
My goal wih these lessons is to improve my listening and speaking and with only half of the lessons done now, I am closer to achieve my goal.
Natalia Marcinka

Natalia Marcinka, Poland, since 2013 in the Netherlands. Studied geography in Poland, fulltime mother for now. Dutch course B1, fall 2019
Suitcase talen is echt goed school, ik heb al veel geleerd, Suitcase talen is wat ik sinds lang tijd was op zoek naar.
Ilona Verhoef

Ilona Verhoef, Poland, since 2018 in the Netherlands. Master of psychology, working in recruitment. Dutch course B2, fall 2019
Het is een goede cursus. Misschien kunnen we meer ‘normale’ dagelijks gesprekken hebben. Het is goed dat we voorbereiden voor het examen maar ik mis het ‘normale kletsen’.
Inesa Liepaite

Inesa Liepaite, Lithuania, since, 2003 in the Netherlands, wants to work as a nurse after higher professional education. Dutch course B2, fall 2019
Super leuke cursus, waar ik heel goed mijn taal kan verbeteren en het NT2-examen voorbereiden.
Katerina Travkina

Katerina Travkina, Russia, since 2017 in the Netherlands, studied Tourism and Economy in Russia en worked in that field. Dutch course A2, summer 2019
I recognised great improvement in such a short time thanks to the course. Great program and very effective.
Dravvy Ramlochun

Dravvy Ramlochun, Mauritius, since the fall of 2016 in the Netherlands. Studied Engeneering in Mauritius, works as a technical lead in an American company. Dutch course Beginners A2, summer 2019
Suitcase talen is een prima school. Er is een gezellige atmosfeer.

Yvonne, Austria, since 2019 in the Netherlands. Studied business economics in Austria, works in the Netherlands in sales and customer service at an international company. Dutch course A2, summer 2019
De cursus van Suitcase talen is prima.
Michel Dieme

Michel Dieme, Senegal, since the fall of 2018 in the Netherlands. Studied Greek and Latin in Senegal, works in production in the Netherlands. Dutch course Beginners A2, summer 2019
Ik vind Suitcase talen leuk omdat ik ga goed schrijven, lezen.
Cindy van Wijk

Cindy van Wijk, United States, since 2016 in the Netherlands, studied Cosmetology in the VS, works in food industry in the Netherlands. Dutch course Beginners A2, summer 2019
Ik vind Suitcase talen prima! Very excellent learning program!
Taiwo Adegoke

Taiwo Adegoke, United States, since the fall of 2016 in the Netherlands, Master Marketing, works at an international company. Dutch course Beginners A2, summer 2019
Ik vind Suitcase talen goed.
Gary Willmot

Gary Willmot, UK, since 2016 in the Netherlands, parttime study MBA, working field logistics. Dutch beginners course, summer 2019
Alles goed bij Suitcase talen.
Kunal Shetye

Kunal Shetye, India, since 2015 in the Netherlands, works in IT. Dutch course Beginners A2, spring 2019
Ik vind Suitcase talen een goede plaats om Nederlands te leren.
Sanober Khoso

Sanober Khoso, born in Pakistan and raised in Iran, since February 2016 in the Netherlands. MBA, full-time mother at the moment. Dutch course Beginners A2, spring 2019
De Suitcase talen is erg goed voor me en ik echt veel plezier met leren. Ik hoop leren snel Nederlands te kunnen praten.
Hasmik Harutynyan

Hasmik Harutynyan, Armenia, since the fall of 2018 in the Netherlands. Studied and worked in pharmacy In Armenia. Dutch course Beginners A2, spring 2019
De Suitcase talen is veel goed school. Elke keer leer ik de nieuwe dingen, woorden.
Michal Ciolskowski

Michal Ciolskowski, Polen, since 2017 in the Netherlands, researcher in chemistry. Dutch course Beginners A2, spring 2019
Margreet is very informative and lessons are very well organised. The course is very speedy so you need time for homework- which is good. However, sometimes it is difficult to keep up.
Irene Marïa Cuesta Cobo

Irene María Cuesta Cobo, Spain, biologist and physiotherapist, since September 2018 in the Netherlands, works as a trainer in a training institute. Dutch course Beginners A2, spring 2019
Suitcase talen is een prima plaats voor leren Nederlands, Groote niveau.
Sangeeta Biswas

Sangeeta Biswas, India, since September 2018 in the Netherlands, Master Biotechnology. Dutch course Beginners A2, spring 2019
Ik vind mooi Suitcase talen. Mijn docent kan prima uitleggen. Ik heb leer bitje Nederlanse to praat met buurt.
Amir Nematollah

Amir Nematollah, Iran, since 2018 in the Netherlands, works in IT. Dutch course Beginners A2, spring 2019.
Ik vind het interessant en goed lerares maar twee cursus zijn niet genoeg voor mij.
Vanessa (Yunxia) Gé

Vanessa (Yunxia) Gé, China, since October 2018 in the Netherlands, works as an accountant in a Chinese company. Dutch course Beginners A2, spring 2019
Ik vind Suitcase talen heeft wel iets, Ik moet oefenen hard voor spreken.
Debasish Maji

Debasish Maji, India, since 2016 in the Netherlands, works in IT. Dutch course Beginners A2, spring 2019
Ik vind Suitcase talen is goed. Docent leert mij goed wat ik wil leren.
Sagita Pribadi

Sagita Pribadi, Indonesia, since 2018 in the Netherlands, studied Japanese. Dutch course B2, spring 2019
Ik vind Suitcase talen een goede school want we leren in kleine class.
Omar Al Latif

Omar Al Latif, was a dentist in Romania and works in the Netherlands like a dentist since 2017. Dutch course Beginners A2, spring 2019
Ik vind dat Suitcase talen is prima voor leren Nederland talen
Nadja Muuna

Nadja Muuna, born in Kenya, grew up in Sweden, in the Netherlands since 2018, where she is working as a nurse. Dutch course Beginners A2, spring 2019
Suitcase talen is heel goed, maar ik wil graag milk met mijn thee astjublieft.
Emmanuel Asante Boamah

Emmanuel Asante Boamah, Ghana, in the Netherlands since 2018, was a teacher in Ghana. Dutch course Beginners A2, spring 2019
Suitcase talen is goed les.
Joy Anu Vellmoni

Joy Anu Vellmoni, India, in the Netherlands since 2015 , worked in IT. Dutch course Beginners A2, spring 2019
Suitcase talen is a good school for learning Dutch language in a more structured and fast way.
Mohammad Fathini

Mohammad Fathini, Iran, in the Netherlands since 2016 , works in IT. Dutch course Beginners A2, spring 2019
I think the format of Suitcase talen is good. Since I have been here for some time I knew some words, it was easier for me to adjust go the pace of the class.
Sieba Nueel

Sieba Nueel, Iraq, in the Netherlands since 2011, works in day care. Dutch course B2, fall 2018
Suitcase talen is een goede school.
Suzane Días dos Santos

Suzane Días dos Santos, Brasil, in the Netherlands since 2015, studied International Business Administration in Brasil. Dutch course B1, fall 2018
Ik vind de lessen bij Suitcase talen prima, dus ik wil daarmee verder gaan.
Edris Afzali

Edris Afzali, Iran, in the Netherlands since the fall of 2017, studied IT in Iran. Dutch course B1, fall 2018
Ik vind de les is prima.
Pavithra Jayaraman

Pavithra Jayaraman, India, since 2014 in the Netherlands, studied Engeneering in her own country, works in the Netherlandin qualitymanagement. Dutch course Beginners A2, fall 2018
Ik vind Suitcase talen een prima cursus voor Nederlands leren. Margreet is een goed docent, ze maakt Nederlands leren leuk.
Mónika Foynó

Mónika Foynó, since July 2018 in the Netherlands, Hungary, worked as a projectmanager at an associaton. Dutch course B1, fall 2018
Ik vind Suitcase talen een prima taalschool. Ik moet heel veel leren, maar ik kan met mensen praten, zaken regelen, naar het nieuws luisteren, boeken lezen en een goede baan krijgen. Ik ben tevreden
Aneta Badrkic

Aneta Badrkic, Servia, since 2016 in the Netherlands, Master in biotechnology, fulltime mother at the moment. Dutch course Beginners A2, fall 2018
Ik vind Suitcase talen heel goede school en lessen.
Lwanga Matovu

Lwanga Matovu, Uganda, in the Netherlands since the beginning of 2018, works in IT. Dutch course Beginners A2, fall 2018
Ik vind Suitcase talen heel goed. Ik hou van mijn klasgenoten en de docente!
Marga Naumovska

Marga Naumovska, Macedonia, since 2016 in the Netherlands, biochemic in her own country, fulltime mother at the moment. Dutch course Beginners A2, fall 2018
The lessons are well organzed, interessant.
Duane Hinders

Duane Hinders, United States, in the Netherlands since September 2017 in Nederland, projectleader at the internationally active Dutch Leprastichting. Dutch course Beginners A2, fall 2018
Ik vind Suitcase talen heel leuk..
Valentin Yekimovsky

Valentin Yekimovsky, Ukraine, in the Netherlands since 2011, studied IT in his own country, works in IT in the Nederlands. Dutch course Beginners A2, fall 2018
Ik vind interessant deze lessen met een goede docent.
Kelem Beirigo Schonenberg

Kelem Beirigo Schonenberg, Brazil, in the Netherlands since the beginning of 2018, lawyer in her own country. Dutch course Beginners A2, summer 2018
Suitcase talen is a course that aims to form students able to communicate through Nederlands language and have good tools to make it achievable.
Kholoud Alsayed

Kholoud Alsayed, Syria, worked as a civil engineer in her own country, fulltime mother at the moment. Dutch course B 1 summer 2018
Ik vind Suitcase talen goed om Nederlands te leren.
Gabriel Drilea

Gabriel Drilea, Rumania, in the Netherlands since the beginning of 2018 , in his own country HR-manager, marathon runner. Dutch course Beginners A2, summer 2018
Ik findet Suitcase talen leuk.
Daria Sukhanova

Daria Sukhanova, Russia, came in 2014 as an au-pair to the Netherlands. Dutch course Beginners A2, summer 2018
I find beginners course Suitcase talen good and serious. Every class has enough information and no ‘water’. I have more motvation now and I am less shy to speak in Dutch. Goed gedaan! Thank you!
Tomás Domïnguez Fernández

Tomás Domïnguez Fernández, born in Argentina and grown up in Spain, installs solar panels in the Netherlands. Dutch course B1 summer 2018
De uitleggen zijn soms een beetje te snel. Ik vind Suitcase talen prima! Online lessen zijn handig.( Als de student een keer niet naar de les kan komen, kan hij de les per Skype of Facetime volgen.)
Pornpun Thongdeecharoen

Pornpun Thongdeecharoen, Thailand, in the Netherlands since the beginning of 2018 in, Dutch course Beginners A2, summer 2018
Suitcase talen is goed. The materials from the school are good to understand, especially for higher education- and the teacher is friendly.
Bin Xu

Bin Xu, born in China, works at a Dutch company that installs pipelines worldwide. Worked in Saudi-Arabia for a long time, working language English. Dutch course B1, summer 2018
Suitcase talen is goed, maar mijn les is tussen 19:45 en 21:45. Het is een beetje te late for me omdat ik twee kinderen heb.
Ruth van Oort

Ruth van Oort, South Africa, arrived in the Netherlands in 2017, her first step was to get her driver’s license. Dutch course B1, summer 2018
Ik vind Suitcase talen goed, ik zal het aanbevelen!
Muhannad Alassrawy

Muhannad Alassrawy, Syria, came to the Netherlands in 2015, was a civil engineer in Syria civiel, is involved in a construction project in Almere. Dutch course B1, summer 2018
Ik vind dat Suitcase talen goed is, maar ik denk drie keer per week is beter dan twee keer per week.
Michelle Yau

Michelle Yau, geboren in Hongkong, werkte als purser bij een luchtvaartmaatschappij, momenteel fulltime moeder. Beginnerscursus Nederlands A2 zomer 2018
Ik vind Margreet is een heel goed docent omdat zij prima uitleggen kan. Ik vind het tempo van de les ook goed.